Community Development District Proposed Budget FY 2025 Presented by: Tesoro 1 2-4 56 Assessment Schedule Narratives Table of Contents General Fund Capital Reserve Fund Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac5tu/a3l1s/ T2h4ru Pro4j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru PFBrYou p2do0gse2et5d REVENUES: ISSCntpaoterercrrmiyae lFws Ato aIsrtnsweceraos Frsmedmee Sesunrtps l-u Osn Roll $ 253403,,03 5065040 - $ 2536 414,,,089867447 - $ 19,,000102 -- $ 2546 513,,,089868467 - $ 2545 106,,,904602605 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 773,914 $ 800,925 $ 10,012 $ 810,937 $ 798,391 EXPENDITURES: Administrative IISFLPPETAAAOODMWnnuroIenfteutsnafCefshtipgslgsionennoebucaAeetiesuraptnesralrsrr, i mg Ta inhAgeaLsn vSCteleenmeoaui gdeiamAuc rsyxc n &tpv&Mereoiueeieenpeonrn rs d DnaGBrglenst iiiFtten eeetin A iTnelFnsststide dvee ieeC&nsmcenierhnghs raaSaigylnnnur Locibgsielesatoscrbgraiylitipitotyinons $ 13 1122257756,,,,,,,,,,0000569904 11135890000055608000047800000008060000357 $ 12 1224724 ,,,,,,, 0258935 117 0002529077 0016644 1556 ------ $ 11 802 ,,,917 1233477969 35500055596240010000035 ---- $ 123 11227156 ,,,,,,,,04589045 12247700255089 35500557700118006011000056 $ 13 11112357858,,,,,,,,,,,00000112606 1113560000023550700007800000013805000035 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE $ 84,558 $ 56,458 $ 35,030 $ 91,488 $ 85,696 Operations & Maintenance Field Operation FPTrireoilmdp e M-r Ptayhn aIgsnaesg ue1mr-4aenncte Fees $ 1 11 76 ,,72 3154308 $ 1717,,580009 - $ 3 58,,97 3054468 $ 1 1176,,72 3154368 1 11 86 ,,72 3757505 West Side FLCPEMllaooaeintunncidtngttirsa tnRicatcgieaioenppnn lRianc Mecygpeamainiretsnentance 11 01 255622,,,,,,005522000002000001 67 448,,,618404307 --- 33 235547,,,,,,005604000406000809 1101 255822,,,,,,002522000901000106 11 01 255822,,,,,,005722000502000001 East Side CPMloaitnnitgtia nRtgieoepnnlac Mcyeaminetnentance 8 254,,,050000000 56,000 -- 2 258,,,050000000 8 254,,,050000000 8 254,,,050000000 TOTAL FIELD OPERATION $ 459,231 $ 292,899 $ 168,125 $ 461,024 $ 462,571 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 543,790 $ 349,357 $ 203,155 $ 552,511 $ 548,267 Other Sources/(Uses) Interlocal Transfer In/(Out) $ (230,124) $ (150,000) $ (80,124) $ (230,124) $ (250,124) TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ (230,124) $ (150,000) $ (80,124) $ (230,124) $ (250,124) EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ - $ 301,568 $ (273,267) $ 28,302 $ - Tesoro Community Development District Proposed Budget General Fund Page 1 Chapter190oftheFloridaStatutesallowsformembersoftheBoardofSupervisorstobecompensated$2 they attend. 00permeetinginwhich FICA Taxes tPoatyarlo Blloatradxe osf SounpeBrovaisrodr’osf pSauyproerllv eixspoern’sdictoumrepse.nsation.Thebudgetedamount for thefiscalyear iscalculatedat7.65%ofthe oTpheerDatiisntgr iecxtpwenidllitluevreys aduNroinng-A thdeV Faislocrael mYeaars.sessmentonallsoldandplattedparcelswithintheDistrictinordertopayforthe Interest The District earns interest on the monthly average collected balance for each of their investment accounts. Expenditures - Administrative Supervisors Fees Stormwater Fees sTthoermDiwstartiecrt feheass ceonllteecrteedd winittohiann thaeg Dreisetmriecntt’s wboituhndthareieCsi.t y ofSt.LucierequiringtheCity torefundtotheDistrict75% ofall Special Assessments-Tax Roll Tesoro Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 REVENUES Engineering bTohaerdD i smtreiectti'nsgse,n grienveieerww oilfl ipnrvooviicdees, g aennder aolthenerg i n sepeerciinfigcaslelyr v riceeqsuetostetdh easDsiisgtnrmicetn,tis.e..attendanceandpreparation for monthly Attorney Annual Audit bTuhdegDeitsetdr iacmtoisurnetq fourir tehdet foisccoaln ydeuacrt iasn baansendu aolna cuodnittroafcittesdf ifneaens cfriaolmre tchoer pdrsebvyioauns Iynedaerp eenngdaegnetmCeenrtt ipfileuds aPnutbicliicpAatcecdo iunnctrienagsFe.irm.The The District bonds will be held and administered by a Trustee. This represents the trustee annual fee. Management Fees TBBoohaaerrddD i osmtf re Siecuttip’nsegrsAv,tirstoeovrrnise e wayn,dow f tichlloen b Dterisaptcrrtisoc,vtr iMdeivaningeawggeeorn.feargarleleemgaelntsseravnidcersestoolutthioenDs,istarnidct,,ratrteensedaarnccheaasnsdigpnreedpaarsatdioirnecfoterdmboynththlye Website Maintenance FuRlpeoplorriadedsase,n Shttosasttuthitneegsc .aonTsdths desaoesmssoaeicnriav rtieecndeeswwiniatlchsl,u mwdoeenbsisititoteer ibpnaegcrakfonurdpmsm,a enaticcne.taaisnsinesgstmheenDtsis,trsiecctu’sriwtyebasnidteficrreewataeldlminaianctceonradnacnec,euwpditahteCsh,adpotceurm1e8n9t, Assessment Roll Administration vTahleorDeimst raiscsteshsamsecnotn otnra acltl eadsswesisthabGleo pvreorpnemretyn twalitMhiann tahgee mDiesntrticSte.rvices-CF,LLCtolevyandadminister thecollectionofnon-ad Dissemination Agent aTdhdeitDioinstarli rcetpiosrtrienqgu rierqeudirbeymethnets Sfoecru urnit-yrataendd bEoxncdh iasnsgueesC.ommissiontocomply withRule15(c)(2)-12(b)(5),whichrelatesto Trustee Fees rTmeheceeotDrindisgitnsrg, iacdstemhcairnseitcsaotrrnyattrsiavecert vesdiecrewvsii.ctheTsGh, ebosuvedergsneetmr vpeirnceetpasalriMnatacinlouandg,e efimnbaeunntctaiSarele rrvenipocoetrslti-imnCgiet,n eatdnrdat loaFs,lsoaidsrtivdienarg,t LwisLiinCthgt ,oarnpencruooarvld iadiunedgmitaasnn.dagtermanensct,raibcicnogunotfinBgoaanrdd Information Technology cRleopurde ssetonrtsagceo ssetrsvriceelast aenddt osetrhveerDsi,s ptroiscitt’isvien pfoarym imatpiolenmseynsttaetmiosn, awnhdi cphroingrcalumdmeibnugt foarr efrnauodt lpimroitteecdtitoonv, aidcceooucnotninfegr seonfctwinagrsee, rvices, New internet and Wi-Fi service for Office. Postage and Delivery Actual postage and/or freight used for District mailings including agenda packages, vendor checks and other correspondence. Insurance General Liability iTnhseurDainstcrei ccto'vseGreangee rtaol gLoivaberilnitmye&ntPaul abgliecnOcifefisc. iTalhseL aimaboiulintyt iIsn bsausreadn cuepopno lsicimyiilsarw Ciothmamquunaitlyif iDedeveenlotiptymethnat tDsispterciicatlsiz.esinproviding Communication - Telephone Page 2 Tesoro Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 West Side Description Monthly amount Annually Mitigation Maintenance $9,350 $112,200 Description Monthly amount Annually Landscape Maintenance $8,518 $102,221 Property Insurance Property Insurance Includes expenses for equipment, supplies, and maintenance for the fountains at the District. Thecurrentyearcontingencyrepresents20%ofthemitigationmaintenanceand10%ofthelandscapingcostsforanymaintenancexpenses not included in budget categories or not anticipated in specific line items. e Contingency ItBhnoeculluliemdveaistrsdtho wefitcthuhetintUi ntShgAea rlnimmdyirtesCm oorfo ptvhsaelo TofefEsenoxgroionti eWceraesnsdtp penrruomijseiatcntac naerdevtaeh.g DeeutSaeFt WtioonM thfDreo pnmeartimavlleit wvpeergteelavtnaiotdiuopsnlry eosnies trshvueee ssdiatfneo dranttdhh eeinirp aaacsrcscooerlcdiwaatneecsdet bwoufiftVfhei ratshTewe sitohrino Landscaping Electric Plant Replacement Fountain Repairs tShche erdeumleodvaml aoifn dteebnrainsc aencdo tnrsaisshts woiftthriinm tmhein sgervveigceet aatrieoan. , Twheee Ddicsotrnitcrto hl,aesd cgoinntgr,abclotewdi wngi,thap Wpleilclaintigotnono fPhroer Lbaiwcidne Csa(raes fopre rtmhiist tseedr)v,iacned. To record cost of electric services to an irrigation pump. The District has the following utility account with Florida Power & Light. Unscheduled maintenance consists of tree, shrub, and other plant material replacements in various communities. Expenditures – Field Operations Copies used in the preparation of agenda packages, required mailings, and other special projects. Legal Advertising gTehneerDails ctirricctuliastiroenq.uiredtoadvertisevariousnotices formonthly Boardmeetings andother publichearingsinanewspaperof Supplies used in the preparation and binding of agenda packages, required mailings, and other special projects. Due, Licenses & Subscriptions The District is required to pay an annual fee to the Department of Economic Opportunity Community Affairs for $175. Other Current Charges This includes monthly bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses that incur during the year. Office Supplies Field Management Fees Trim – Phase 1-4 Mitigation Maintenance The District has contracted with Governmental Management Services – Central Florida, LLC to provide onsite field management of Services are to include annual trim around all edges in phases 1-4. Printing and Binding Expenditures - Administrative (continued) Page 3 Tesoro Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 East Side Description Monthly amount Annually Mitigation Maintenance $7,000 $84,000 Thecurrentyearcontingencyrepresents20%ofthemitigationmaintenanceand10%ofthelandscapingcostsforanymaintenancexpenses not anticipated in budget categories. e Expenditures – Field Operations (continued) The District will schedule monitoring of mitigation areas. Ithnecl luimdeitsst ohfe thcue tUtiSn Agramndy rceomrposv oafl Eonfgeixnoeteircsa pnedrmnuitis aanndc ethvee SgFeWtatMioDn pferrommita pllrweveitolaunsdlyp isrseuseerdv feosr atnhde ptharecirela esassotc oiaft Vedia bTuefsfeorrsow ithin Unscheduled maintenance consists of tree, shrub, and other plant material replacements. Mitigation Monitoring Mitigation Maintenance Plant Replacement Contingency Page 4 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac5tu/a3l1s/ T2h4ru Pro4j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru PFBrYou p2do0gse2et5d REVENUES: ICnatrerrye Fsto Irnwcaormde Balance $$ 1 2 , 3 0 7 - $$ 2 9 ,4 49015 $$ -- $$ 2 9 ,4 49015 $$ 7 4 , 9 8 4 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 122,307 $ 29,896 $ - $ 29,896 $ 74,984 EXPENDITURES: PNMlaaistnucter Ilalnla sAnteraoellaua sCti lEoexnapn eunps es $ $ 2 3846,,00 5050000 $ 1 0 4 , 9 8 6 1 - $ 3446,,0000 5000 $ 1 3540,,0908 5061 $ 2 3640,,09 5000000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 320,550 $ 104,987 $ 80,050 $ 185,037 $ 295,400 Other Sources/(Uses) Transfer in/(Out) $ 230,124 $ 150,000 $ 80,124 $ 230,124 $ 250,124 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ 230,124 $ 150,000 $ 80,124 $ 230,124 $ 250,124 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 31,881 $ 74,909 $ 74 $ 74,984 $ 29,708 Tesoro Community Development District Proposed Budget Capital Reserve Fund Page 5 Neighborhood O&M Units ERU FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) Series Series Total Developed 220.00 220 $310.00 $310.00 TUnradcetsveloped 16,18379.0.902 1511359.2.952 $$231302..0500 $$231302..0500 $$$000...000000 $$$233113002...005000 $$$233113002...005000 $$$000...000000 Total 2046.92 1875.17 Tesoro Community Development District Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Comparison 2024-2025 Annual Maintenance Assessments Total Assessed Per Unit Page 6